Team members work together to keep the million through a series of intense questions.
Delegates need to focus and cooperate to beat the clock and finish all tasks in under 60 seconds.
Teams use their creativity to re-create and personalise popular and influential music videos.
Get teams to expose their hidden talents/skills in a mash-up of game shows and activities.
Let teams create a showbiz masterpiece with imagination and confidence. Lights, camera, action!
Teams gather to investigate a murder mystery and compete for the best CSI team of the day.
Experiment with a series of Rube Goldberg machine-inspired devices linked together to produce a cool domino effect.
Each team contributes to the bigger picture using creativity, vision, and innovation.
Kick off with an energising gumboot performance of rhythmic patterns that involves everyone in the team.
Engage and compete in sports from South Africa’s array of different cultures.
Become part of the mystery, interact, and find out the identity of the killer at the dinner table.
Teams complete challenging exercises to access lego plans and build a complete object (helicopter, truck or crane).
Build a newsroom, allocate team roles, and source relevant tools to ensure news coverage.
Learn how the impossible becomes possible only as a team of cohesive individuals.
Each team cooperates to design and create a meaningful stop-start animation film using just clay. Camera, clay, lighting, props!